TCF Lodgings was launched in the year 2022 with the mission of bringing a modern oasis to life when enjoying one of our short/mid and long term guest units. This mission started with the desire to offer a much deserved getaway for people from all walks of life. Life can sometimes  weigh heavy on our shoulders and we deserve an amazing adventure every now and then. The promise that we give is that our spaces are not just your home away from home but it can be your safe haven as well. The moment you step into the door – the overwhelming sense of serenity, modernity and bliss would welcome you and invite you to stay.


To provide the guest with such an experience. The guest comes to the feeling, the conclusion themselves, that this was above and beyond my wildest expectation. This was a 5 Star experience. Our company will provide that type of guest experience every time. To ensure that the best guest experience was provided to each and every guest who gave us the honor of hosting them.




Our vision is to have a business where our team members and all those we serve are inspired to be the best version of themselves. A safe haven for all those involved in the business, whether it's our guests, our vendors and our team.


We at TCF Lodgings' will always be a hospitality brand that is customer-centric, the guest experience is the topmost priority. We aspire to provide the customer service that our guests crave and deserve without sacrificing our values. Our motto which is Urban Oasis needs to shine through everything we do, most importantly when we interact with guests. We provide peace and bliss away from the challenges of everyday life.

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  • Exceptional Guest Experience
    The best reflection of who we are will always be our guest experience.
  • Living with Integrity
    We embody integrity in everything we do, we treat each other with respect and we protect the company at all times.
  • Support and Teamwork
    We trust each other to provide support where we lack, we communicate freely and we make sure that we are professionals at all times.
  • Passion for Improvement
    We continuously strive to be better than who we were yesterday, we listen to the guests' feedback and we contribute to the betterment of our guest experience.
  • Family and Community Relationship
    We believe in life-work balance, family is always the center of our lives and we strive to give back to the community.